Hi, I'm Aarti

I am a product leader turned Entrepreneur

I am a product leader turned entrepreneur.Just like most computer scientists, I was stuck in a 9 to 5 job. I knew life meant more and that I was capable of much more.I went from being an employee to an entrepreneur, from working on someone else's dream to building my own empire. I now help businesses build highly engaged audiences that don't just visit but convert. I help them turn leads into revenue.Success follows personal development, not the other way around. You will often find me talking about topics that resonate with those standing where I once did. Here are some (if not all) of them:

Do you have an excellent product but need help to build a customer base that generates revenue? I can help!Do you have an excellent product, have built an audience, and still struggle to convert leads to revenue? I can help!Let's leverage your existing social (FB or LI or X) or website traffic and convert them to revenue-generating assets.I help businesses build lead magnets that will catch their customer's attention. Once you have your customer's attention, you can educate them, and build trust, thereby converting your audience into revenue-generating assets.Let's get in touch.

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